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Saturday, June 18, 2011

Starting a Blog

There are some things that are a part of every day business in today's world that I've been slow to catch on to.  Blogging and all types of social networking are some of those things.  I knew it was something we should be doing at our company, Kodiak Mountain Stone.  But we are a brick and mortar company...literally.  We produce manufactured stone and sell it along with brick, natural stone and stucco.  So I wasn't sure how it applied to us.  But I have an employee that understands it better than me and has done a lot for our company with it and has done a good job.  But for myself I was very hesitant. 

Kodiak Mountain Stone sites:!/KodiakMTN_Stone

My first step was to join Facebook.  But I wasn't fully committed, I mostly wanted to follow what we were doing as a company on Facebook.  So I used a fake name, Warren Gates.  If the name sounds familiar it's because it's the combination of Warren Buffet and Bill Gates.  This worked for a while until one day our office got a call from the Canada Revenue Agency because they were trying to track down Warren Gates.  So that was my little push to start using my real name and jump into the world of Social Media.  Now here I am writing my first blog.  I'm still a little lost and wondering what I should do but I decided it didn't matter.  There's a chance that I'm the only one to ever read these so it doesn't matter what I say in them. 

Every single day I'm doing things and making decisions that have an impact on my life and in most cases have an impact on other peoples lives as well.  I've thought in the past that I can't blog because I don't have anything to blog about, but I keep a personal journal and write in it very often and as I was writing this morning I felt it was time to start my blog.

So where am I going with this blog?  What will my theme be?  What will I write about, personal things, business things...?  The answer is that I don't know.  I use Evernote (I LOVE EVERNOTE!), and I have a notebook in there where I keep my journal.  In that same notebook I have other personal things like my journal that I want easy access to.  One note is my "Future Diaries,"  this is something I started after one of the times I read Think and Grow Rich.  I've used it to write about things I think my life will be like in the future.  I've got a note called "Inspirational Scriptures," self-explanatory I think.  Another called "Thoughts of Thanks."  This one started after reading the Compound Effect by Darren Hardy.  While I wrote in it, every single day I wrote something about my wife that I loved, big or small.  Then the following Christmas I printed it out and gave it to her, big brownie points!!  Then another is titles "Daily Successes and Lessons."  This is just different things I've learned in life as a businessman.  I'm thinking that this blog will end up being a combination of some of these things, but then again it might be something completely different.

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